The Nordic Music Days have been organized since 1888 as one of the oldest festivals for contemporary classical music in the world. The festival is unique in the sense that it is organized by the composers themselves. Each year the national societies of composers organize the festival in turn on behalf of the Council of Nordic Composers.

Minds blown by the Pinquins

Styrmir Palsson, 19 Jahre

The Pinquins appear several times in the Nordic Music Days. It is not only music you hear, it is a whole show for your eyes as well – this is art!

Interviewing the inventor of IIL – Thor Magnusson

Hugi Garðarsson, 24 Jahre

„Future Music“ is the exciting field Thor Magnousson is a professor in at the University of Sussex. Here in Reykjavík, he works as a pricipal investigator at the Intelligent Instruments Lab – meaning, he brought this exciting Laboratory to live.

Like a bees‘ hive – Intelligent Instruments Lab

Daniela Amado, 28 Jahre

A constant loop of controlled noise and intermittent buzzing lives within a yellow, acoustically-paneled room at Listaháskoli Íslands, Iceland’s arts university. In this laboratory for intelligent instruments, the buzzing is two-fold.

Nordic Music Days about to start

JungeReporter from Iceland, 22 Jahre

A team of young reporters from Reykjavík will write about Nordic Music Days 2022 in Iceland. Looking forward to meet composers, musicians and instrument inventors from the north!