All YoungReportes projects are customsized, both to the according festival and participants. There is very often a mix of German- or English-speaking participants, everybody is invited to write in the language they feel more comfortable in. From Iceland to South Africa, from Hannover to Davos. Please find a selection of recent workshops here:
Dark Music Days Reykjavík – One of Iceland’s oldest music festivals, was launched by the Society of Icelandic Composers in 1980.
Nordic Music Days – Each year the national societies of composers organize the festival in turn on behalf of the Council of Nordic Composers.
Klassik für alle – a Music Podcast Workshop with people who are mentally ill, at risk of addiction or in other difficult life situations
ECLATReporter – at ECLAT Festival of new Music in Stuttgart
UltraschallReporter – at Ultraschall Festival of new Music in Berlin
YECReporters – at Young Euro Classic international Youth Orchestra Festival in Berlin
Karajan Music Tech – Journalistic exploration amongst explorerers at Karajan Music Tech Conference and Cultural Lab in Salzburg
JJVReporters – at Joseph Joachim Violin Competition in Hannover
DAVOS FESTIVAL Reporters – Teenagers from Davos meet young artists
Podcast: Siggi String Quartet
Styrmir Palsson, 19 JahreStyrmir and Hugi discussing the concert of Siggi String Quartet, featuring Ásthildur Ákadóttir, melodica and Erna Vala Arnardóttir, toy piano
Nýtt og norrænt – new and Nordic
Young Reporters at MIT Reykjavík, 17 JahreIceland Symphony Orchestra in cooperation with Nordic Music Days 2022 performed five works at Harpa concert hall. Best thing: 25 students of Menntaskóli í tónlist, the Reykjavík Music School, were attending the concert first row. Here is what they wrote…
This man has more time than anyone else
Styrmir Palsson, 19 JahreGunnar Karel Masson is an Icelandic composer whose work will be performed by the Iceland Symphony Orchestra at the Nordic Music Days. His piece is called „Grisaille“ and Gunnar completed the writing of the piece in August, so the people at the concert will be attending the world premiere!
All at once
Styrmir Palsson, 19 JahreMarcella Lucatelli started as a classical singer and was interested in making her own staged works, really pushing the visuals and the moments as well as the aesthetics of it. Therefore, she became a composer accidentally.
Minds blown by the Pinquins
Styrmir Palsson, 19 JahreThe Pinquins appear several times in the Nordic Music Days. It is not only music you hear, it is a whole show for your eyes as well – this is art!
Blue lantern to light the path into sound future
Styrmir Palsson, 19 JahreMari Garrigue is playing first in the opening concert of the Nordic Music Days 2022 – what an honour! There she is, with a blue metal case that turns out to be a discarded lantern…
Four necks and the voice of a popstar
Hugi Garðarsson, 24 JahreThor Magnusson and his team at Intelligent Instruments Lab at LHÍ are developing more advanced ways of instrument buildinging, mixed with computer sciences and programming.
Interviewing the inventor of IIL – Thor Magnusson
Hugi Garðarsson, 24 Jahre„Future Music“ is the exciting field Thor Magnousson is a professor in at the University of Sussex. Here in Reykjavík, he works as a pricipal investigator at the Intelligent Instruments Lab – meaning, he brought this exciting Laboratory to live.
Intelligent Instruments Lab Workshop – Part II
Daniela Amado, 28 JahreDaniela interviewing instrument designer Mari.
Checking out Intelligent Instruments – Part I
Daniela Amado, 28 JahreDaniela trying out a reverb instrument for singing voice.
Like a bees‘ hive – Intelligent Instruments Lab
Daniela Amado, 28 JahreA constant loop of controlled noise and intermittent buzzing lives within a yellow, acoustically-paneled room at Listaháskoli Íslands, Iceland’s arts university. In this laboratory for intelligent instruments, the buzzing is two-fold.
Nordic Music Days about to start
JungeReporter from Iceland, 22 JahreA team of young reporters from Reykjavík will write about Nordic Music Days 2022 in Iceland. Looking forward to meet composers, musicians and instrument inventors from the north!